
BLDEA Medical College, Vijayapura, Research


The dynamic world of research at our college is a place where curiosity meets innovation to shape the future of healthcare. Our research endeavors span a multitude of disciplines, from cutting-edge biomedical discoveries to impactful clinical studies. With state-of-the-art facilities and a vibrant academic community, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and transforming healthcare delivery.

At our college, research isn't just a pursuitit's a passion. From exploring novel therapeutic approaches to unraveling the complexities of disease mechanisms, our research initiatives are at the forefront of medical innovation. We actively collaborate with healthcare providers, industry partners, and research institutions worldwide to accelerate the translation of discoveries from bench to bedside. Collaborations with hospitals, industry partners, and interdisciplinary teams often lead to publications in peer-reviewed journals and patents and design registrations.

Our institution has an independent Ethical Committee recognized by Department of Health Research (DHR), Govt of India.