Research and Publication

Sl.No Name of the First Author and Co-Author Title of the Article Name of the Journal Vol.(Issue):Page Nos. Year Indexed in
1 RM Honnutagi, Patnam Pravallika Study of microalbuminuria in non diabetic patients with acute myocardial infarction.(Original Article) Annals of International Medical and Dental Research vol.7, issue 2ISBN : (P):2395-2814, (O):2395-2822  February2021  
2 Anuja M Kadagud, Shruti Basayya Hiremath, Vijaykumar G Warad, Sharan Badiger, Ravi Kattimani Rare side effect of a common drug(Case Report) International Journal of Advance in Medicine Vol-8, issue 2, p-1-3ISBN :2395-2822(O),2395-2814(P) February2021  
3 S M Biradar, Chaitanya Kulkarni, Kanagala Srikanth, Sachin L Kanakappanavar, B S Khaja Jainuddin, S S Devarmani, Sharan Badiger Supervision of Antibiotics Switch from Intravenous to Per Oral and its Added Benefits for Better Patient Compliance(Original Article) IAR Journal of Medical Sciences 2(1), 81-86,ISBN : 2708-3594 February2021  
4 S M Biradar, Renuka Holyachi, V Ravi Teja. Severe metabolic acidosis in critically Ill patients and its association with the outcome in North Karnataka(Original Article) Int J Adv Med, 8(3):395-398, Mar 2021.   
4 Sagar Rashinkar, P G Mantur  A study of Neuron-Specific Enolase as protential biomarker for assessing the severity and outcome in patients with acute ischaemic stroke.  European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine (EJMCM)  vol.8,issue 3,3575-3584June-2021ISSN : 2515-8260  2021 SCOPUS
5 Priyanka Tomar, Anand P Ambali  COVID-19 Vaccination in Older People(Review Article)  IJCP,Jan-Apr & May-Aug  vol.10, No.1 & 2, p- 14-15, Jan-Apr & May-Aug  2021  
6 Dr Nivedita, Dr MS Mulimani, Dr Ambali AP Combined Detection of Prediabetes Using HBA1C and Fasting Blood Sugar Levels International Journal of Health and Clinical Research 2021;(4)248-251 2021;(4)248-251-ISSN :2590-3241,P-issn:2590-325x October2021  
7 Dr Smitha Bagali, Dr P G Mantur Bacteriological Profile of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection and its Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern in a Tertiary Care Hospital International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 2021 2021;4(22):268-271, e-ISSN: 2590-3241, p-ISSN:2590-325x December 2021  
8 Dr Sagar Rashinkar, Dr P G Mantur A Study of Neuron-Specific Enolase as Potential Biomarker for Assessing the severity and outcome in patients with acute ischaemic stroke European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine (EJMCM) Volume 08, Issue 03, 2021ISSN : 2515-8260 2021  
9 Siddaruda M Biradar, Sharan Badiger, Ravina R Mehta, Ancy John, Sumanyu J Katageri, Shashidhar S Devarmani, Chetankumar M, Santosh R Awasthi  Importance of surgical intervention in emphysematous pyelonephritis: A case report International Journal of Frontiers in Biology and Pharmacy Research, 2022, 02(01),084-087 Vol.02, Issue-01, p.084-087ISSN : 2783-0454 January-March2022  
10 Siddanagouda M Biradar, Rudragouda S Bulagouda, Gurushantappa Kadakol Clinical and cytological study on Klinfelter syndrome : A case report JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research vol.25, No.1,p-63-65 January-March2022  
11 Vishwanath Mallappa Jalawadi, Upendra Prasad Yadav, Ajit Dungdung, Bindey Kumar, Rashmi Sinha A Study of Thyroid Profile (FT3, FT4, TSH) in Liver Cirrhosis in Jharkhand - A Hospital based study International Journal of Current Research and Review, vol.14, issue 06, March 2022 2022  
12 Anand Ambali, Santhosh B T The safety profile of COVID-19 Vaccination among 1373 elderly population(Original article) Medica InnovaticaJan-Jun 2022,  Volume.11, Issue 1, p-07-11 2022  
13 Keertivardhan D Kulkarni, V Pranavi, Apoorva Ravi, HT Lathadevi, SM Biradar  Pulmonary Cavity : An Additional Entity to the Sectrum of COVID-19 Complications  Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,2022,Jul,vol.16(7)OR-1-OR-05July 2022  vol.16(7)OR-1-OR-05  2022  
14 Siddangouda Biradar,Sharan Badiger,Shashidhar Devarmani,  Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis with Interstitial Lung Disease and Severe Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Case Report Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Vol 15, Issue 4, Oct-Dec, 2022. P-338-341 Vol 15, Issue 4, Oct-Dec, 2022. P-338-341 2022  
15 Siddaruda M Biradar,Shashidhar Devarmani,Siddangouda M Biradar  Dexamethasone Induced Hyperglycemia: A Case Report Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition, ISSN-1673-064X, Vol-19 Issue 04, April 2023, P. 924-929 , ISSN-1673-064X, Vol-19 Issue 04, April 2023, P. 924-929 2023  
16 Siddarthkumar Chawath, Sharan Badiger Respiridone-induced anaemia The National Medical Journal of India 2023;vol. No.1,2023,36:22-3. vol. No.1,2023,36:22-3. 2023  

Research Publication

Publication Title Author-name Journal-name Year
Assessment of serum electrolytes and glycated haemoglobin level in non-diabetic iron deficient anemic patients. Shirish Patil, Siddanagouda M Biradar, Shashidhar Devarmani, Sethureddy Cureus Journal of Medical Science, May 07, 2023 2023
A Study of the correlation between serum adenosine deaminase level and fasting serum insulin levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Vivan Vyas, S S Devarmani, S M Biradar Journal of coastal life medicine, 17th April 2023 2023
Protein-protein interaction of LDH and CRP-1 with hematotoxin snake venom patients of all species of snake : An om silico approach Rajesh M Honnutagi,R Sunil International Journal of Health Sciences, 2023
A Prospective study to identify the prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance in patients with liver cirrhosis using oral glucose tolerance test. Obul V Reddy, Vijayakumar G Warad Cureus Journal of Medical Science, May 07, 2023 2023
Correlation of vitamin B12 with homocysteine levels in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis Sahith Reddy Gantla, Ninad Mallanna Mulimani, Mallanna Mulimani Journal of coastal Life Medicine,April-22, 2023 2023
A study of Correlation between high normal HBA1C as risk factor for coronary heart disease with Framingham risk score in non-diabetic patients. Bhushan Vijay Patil, Prakash G Mantur JIMA Journals, June 22, 2023 2023
A Study on serum ferritin C – reactive protein and its correlation with HBA1C in type 2 diabetes mellitus Nikitha R D Y Patil Journal of Health Sciences, 2023 2023
The Serum CRP and LDH level as a potential marker of hemotoxicity in snakebite victims Sunil Ramraju Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 23,_426 2023
Hypomagnesemia and hypokalemia as a prognostic marker in organophosphorus poisoning and its clinical severity using peradeniya poisoning scale Sneha Mukerjee Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 23,_182 2023
A study on serum albumin levels and its correlation withcd4cell count in HIV patients Sujay V JBSC-D-00353 2023
Role of Alehyde Dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) Gene Mutations in the Development of Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis. Sethureddy Cureus Journal of Medical Science, May 07, 2023 2023
A Study of Frontal QRS-T Angle in patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Sharan Badiger, Praveen Panchal Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 6th May 2023. 2023
JCDR-Study on Correlation between Hematological Abnormalities and Meldscore in Patients with Cirrohosis of Liver Swethasri Korlapati, Ninad Mulimani, Mallanna Shankreppa Mulimani. JCDR Pre Publishing, 04.07.2023, Ref No. 64546 2023
JCDR- Evaluation of Serum Sodium levels as prognostic marker in patients with Cirrhosis of the Liver Victoria Marineni, R C Bidri JCDR Pre Publishing, 01.04.2023, Ref No. 64367 2023
Study on Correlation between serum Cortisol and severity of Acute ISCHEMIC Stroke in Patients Chirag Mallikarjun Sajjanar, JCDR Pre Publishing, 14.04.2023, Ref No. 64718 2023
Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis with Interstitial Lung Disease and Severe Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Case Report Siddangouda Biradar, Sharan Badiger, Shashidhar Devarmani, Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Vol 15, Issue 4, Oct-Dec, 2022. P-338-341 2023
Dexamethasone Induced Hyperglycemia: A Case Report Siddaruda M Biradar, Shashidhar Devarmani, Siddangouda M Biradar Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition, ISSN-1673-064X, Vol-19 Issue 04, April 2023, P. 924-929 2023
Respiridone-induced anaemia Siddarthkumar Chawath, Sharan Badiger The National Medical Journal of India 2023; vol. No.1,2023,36:22-3. 2023