Departmental Activities Year 2022-2023

School visit Organized by KISHORE ADOLESCENT CLINIC


On 26/6/2024, a team of doctors (KISHORE CLINIC) visited Shri B.M.Patil Public as a part of our school outreach program aimed at promoting health awareness among school Adolescent children. The visit was organized in collaboration with Dept, of Pediatric, SBMPMC & KISHORE CLINIC. The objective of the visit was to conduct health screenings, provide health education, and address any health concerns among the Adolescent students.

Team Composition:

The team comprised 10 No of Doctors, including Pediatricians, Psychiatrist, Gynecologist, Life skill trainer, Pharmacists, Dermatologist etc. Each member of the team was equipped with the necessary materials to carry out the activities effectively.

Activities Conducted:

  1. Pre-Test-Questionnaire filled by Students: Yatesh Pujari, Adolescent Pediatrician & Dr.M.M. Patil, Professor & HoD, Dept. of Pediatric & Dr,Trimal Kulkarni started the session, and explained about the filling the questionnaire format for interaction to the session.
  2. Health Education Sessions: Pretrial Kulkarni & Yatesh Pujari, Adolescent Pediatrician held an Interactive sessions (Module: Awesome Adolescents & Young Adult program) were held with students to educate them about various health topics such as nutrition, hygiene, the importance of physical activity, and preventive measures against common illnesses. The doctors used visual aids, demonstrations, and engaging activities to make the sessions informative and enjoyable for the students.
  3. Questions interactions: Individual Consultations: Dr.Trimal Kulkarni, Asst. Professor & Santosh Ramdurga, Professor & HoD, Dept. of Psychiatry were interacted Students were given the opportunity to have one-on-one consultations with the doctors to discuss any personal health concerns they might have. This allowed for personalized advice and guidance tailored to each student's needs.
  4. Referral Services:
      The team of the Doctors for students requiring further medical attention or specialized care, the team provided referrals to appropriate healthcare facilities or specialists within the community (2nd & 4th Wednesday to BLDEDU’s SBMPMC’s Hospital, Room No,12).
  5. Through the health education videos on “Good Touch & Bad Touch” & “Menstrual Hygiene”, the Concerned Doctors were interacted with the students and clarifiedthe doubts in separate session with girls and boys.

Outcome and Impact:

The school visit by the doctors proved to be highly beneficial for both the students and the school Teachers. Some of the key outcomes and impacts include:

  1. Early detection and management of health issues: Through the health screenings, several students were identified with underlying health conditions such as vision problems or elevated blood pressure, allowing for timely intervention and management.
  2. Increased health awareness: The interactive sessions helped in raising awareness among students about the importance of maintaining good health habits and seeking timely medical
  3. Empowerment of students: Individual consultations empowered students to openly discuss their health concerns and seek guidance from healthcare professionals, promoting a proactive approach towards their well-being.
  4. Strengthened Teachers ties: The collaboration between the school and the healthcare for regular orientation on Life skills education to help the students in addressing health-related

Recommendations: Based on the observations and feedback gathered during the visit, the following recommendations are proposed for future initiatives:

  1. Regular Health Check-ups: Implementing regular health check-ups within the school curriculum to monitor students' health status and track any changes over time.
  2. Health Education Workshops: Organizing periodic health education workshops for students, teachers, and parents to reinforce healthy behaviours and promote a culture of wellness within the school community.
  3. Continued Collaboration: Sustaining the partnership between the school and healthcare organization to ensure ongoing support and access to healthcare services for students.


The school visit by the doctors was a valuable initiative that contributed significantly to promoting health awareness and well-being among the students. By fostering a culture of preventive care and empowerment, such initiatives play a vital role in nurturing healthier and happier school communities. We look forward to continuing our efforts in promoting health and wellness among the youth through similar endeavors in the future.

Guest lecture for faculties and Post Graduates nicu sisters

Dr Kiran kanti guest lecture on 24/04/24.

International Collaborations & Event

TaHB (Train and Help Babies) Is a International Collaboration with Texas(USA) under guidance of Dr. Prakash Kabbur with Dept. of Pediatrics BLDE since 2018




Interaction with Faculties


TaHB Group Photo

Images for Important Events:

BITES a state level post graduate academic activities conducted by Dept. of Pediatric in association with SRIHER Chennai in April 2023 Inauguration done by N.S. Mahantshetty (Principal & FoM JNMC KLE Belagavi) & Hon’ble Vice Chancellor (BLDE DU)

Inauguration done by N.S. Mahantshetty (Principal & FoM JNMC KLE Belagavi) & Hon’ble Vice Chancellor (BLDE DU)

Inauguration done by N.S. Mahantshetty (Principal & FoM JNMC KLE Belagavi) & Hon’ble Vice Chancellor (BLDE DU)

Faculty Interaction with Post Graduates

Faculty Interaction with Post Graduates

Inauguration of ALS at Skills Lab Shri. B M Patil Medical College & Research Centre BLDE DU by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor

Inauguration of ALS at Skills Lab Shri. B M Patil Medical College & Research Centre BLDE DU by Honble Vice Chancellor

BLS Inauguration with Resource persons Dr. Raghavendra Vanaki

BLS Inauguration with Resource persons Dr. Raghavendra Vanaki


Briefing of the Delegates Skills Lab

ALS Resource persons Dr. Raghavendra Vanaki Felicited by HOD

ALS Resource persons Dr. Raghavendra Vanaki Felicited by HOD

Demonstration by the Delegates on the Mannequin

Demonstration by the Delegates on the Mannequin

Demonstration of advance life support skills on mannequin LUNA

Demonstration by the Delegates on the Mannequin

NNF QUIZ (Conducted by faculty)

NNF QUIZ (Conducted by faculty)

Students Interaction with Quiz Masters

Students Interaction with Quiz Masters


Department Photo

B-ITES PG 2023 A Pediatrics Practical Crash Course for Post-Graduate (MD/DNB/DCH Students) on 07th April 2023 to 09th April 2023" Organizing Chairperson Dr. S.V Patil & Dr.S.S Kalyanshettar, Organizing Secretary Dr. Trimal Kulkarni

Milk Bank Amruthadhare Human Milk Bank Opening (07-04-2023)

IAP BLS (Indian Academy of Pediatrics-Basic Life Support) course for Post-Graduate (MD/DNB/DCH Students) Organizing Chairperson Dr. S.V Patil & Dr.S.S Kalyanshettar Organizing Secretary Dr. J. Prakash (25-06-2023)

IAP (Indian Academy of Pediatrics) Accredited ALS (Advanced Life Support) course (12th & 13th August 2023) Dr. J. Prakash

"BLDE PERINATAL CME" in association with Nationwide Quality of Care Network (NQOCN), INDIA. (08-07-2023) Dr. Siddu Charki

NNF National PG Quiz Competition-2023. Organized by Department of Pediatrics Dr. Siddu Charki (10-09-2023) Dr. Deepa Kundargi

Guest Lecture Dr. Sachin Jadhav Hemato Oncologist (07-01-2022)

Comprehensive Cleft Care Symposium (28/03/2022)

Guest Lecture Dr.Mukund Galagali (7/05/2022)

Alumini Guest Lecture by Dr. Sanjeevani Umarani (07-06-2022)

Workshop:1-day sensitization of IYCF skills Workshop:1-day sensitization of IYCF skills

IAP Quiz Competition for UG – 08-08-2023 Dr. Shrishail Gidaganti


BLDE(DU) Neonatal Resuscitation Training Program (NRP) PGs on 28th March 2023 IAP-NNF neonatal Resuscitation Program