10th International Day of Yoga Celebration at BLDE(DU)

June 22, 2024 By SBMPMC

On June 21st, 2024, BLDE (Deemed to be University) proudly celebrated the 10th International Day of Yoga, marking a decade of promoting the holistic benefits of yoga. The event, held at the Auditorium in the Library Building on the BLDE campus, was a resounding success, bringing together yoga enthusiasts, students, and community members.

The celebration was organized by BLDE (Deemed to be University) and Shri B. M. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, in collaboration with the Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi. The event was graced by esteemed guests and yoga practitioners, making it a memorable occasion for all attendees.

This year's themes, "Yoga For Women Empowerment" and "Yoga for Self and Society," resonated deeply with participants. The global theme focused on empowering women through yoga, highlighting its role in fostering physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Special sessions were dedicated to women's health, led by renowned female yoga practitioners who shared their insights and experiences. These sessions were particularly inspiring, encouraging many women to embrace yoga as a tool for empowerment.

The national theme, "Yoga for Self and Society," emphasized the importance of yoga in achieving personal harmony and societal well-being. Interactive sessions explored how yoga can be integrated into daily life to improve overall health and community cohesion. These discussions provided practical advice and fostered a sense of unity among participants.

The event began at 6:00 AM with an inaugural ceremony that set a positive and energetic tone for the day. Following this, a series of yoga sessions were conducted, catering to different levels of experience. From beginners to advanced practitioners, everyone found value in the diverse range of practices offered. The sessions were designed to be inclusive and accessible, ensuring that all participants could benefit from the experience.

Workshops on yoga for women empowerment were a significant highlight. These sessions not only focused on physical postures but also on mental and emotional resilience, providing a comprehensive approach to women's health. The response from participants was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing gratitude for the focus on women's issues.

The interactive sessions on integrating yoga into daily life were equally impactful. Experts discussed practical ways to incorporate yoga practices into busy schedules, emphasizing the benefits for both individual health and societal well-being. These sessions were engaging and provided valuable takeaways for all attendees.

The concluding ceremony at 12:00 PM was a celebration of the day's success, acknowledging the efforts of organizers, instructors, and participants. The sense of community and shared purpose was palpable, reinforcing the event's themes and goals.

Feedback from participants was highly positive, with many praising the event's organization and the quality of the sessions. The emphasis on women's empowerment and societal well-being through yoga was particularly appreciated, highlighting the relevance and importance of these themes in today's world.

BLDE(DU), along with Shri B. M. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, remains committed to promoting holistic health and well-being. This event, in collaboration with the Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, was a testament to this commitment, fostering a deeper understanding and practice of yoga.

As we reflect on the success of the 10th International Day of Yoga, we look forward to future events that continue to promote the transformative power of yoga. We invite everyone to join us in these endeavors and be part of a movement that enhances both personal and societal well-being.

Stay connected with us for updates on upcoming events and initiatives. Together, let's continue the journey towards health, harmony, and empowerment through yoga.

The photographs for the above event have been attached to this report below. 

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